Nabha Power Limited won the prestigious ‘Independent Power Producer of the Year-India’ award by Asian Power Awards-2020.
The award was conferred for NPL’s outstanding achievements in plant performance and its commitment to innovation and new initiatives for improving plant efficiency. Through these initiatives NPL achieved best net heat rate and the lowest auxiliary power consumption in India. NPL competed with global power generating companies and demonstrated leadership for its sustained performance.
Nabha Power received the Excellent Energy Efficiency Unit award for outstanding achievements in Energy Efficiency. The plant received this award for the fourth consecutive year.
The objective of the awards is to recognise and Award “Excellence” in Energy Management in Industries and to facilitate sharing of information by excellent energy efficient companies.
Nabha Power Limited was adjudged as the National Energy Leader 2020 for its progressive performance for the second consecutive year in Energy Management.
The plant won the second time in a row.
The prestigious award is given to thermal power plants who have won the Excellent Energy Efficient Award for consecutive 3 years to instill a sense of competition to motivate other plants to achieve excellence and establish futurity by pinpointing Carbon Emission Reduction (CDM/VER Project) initiatives focused on energy conservation.
Finalist in Standard & Poor's Global Platts Energy Excellence Award 2019
Honor Mention in Heat Rate Category, Peabody Energy, USA
Recognized as the best Independent Power Producer - India
Best operational plant in coal based category by Power Magazine, North America
Best Thermal Generator 2017 in coal based category by IPPAI